The 3D manufacturing course was designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of 3D manufacturing. Throughout the course, participants learned how to create 3D models and designs from scratch using open source programs such as Blender. They also gained experience in working with various shapes and models, which allowed them to create more complex designs as they progressed through the course.
One of the most exciting aspects of the course was the opportunity to use a 3D printer to transform their own designs into tangible, ready-to-use products. This allowed participants to see the direct impact of their designs and provided them with a sense of accomplishment.
The project’s main goal was to develop participants’ skills and provide them with the necessary experience to turn their ideas into tangible reality. The training was structured in a way that allowed participants to build upon their existing knowledge and develop new skills that they could apply in their future work.
Overall, the 3D manufacturing course was a great success. Participants left with a wealth of knowledge and experience that they could apply in their future work. The project was implemented in partnership with the United Nations Migration Agency and with support from the European Union, which helped ensure that the training was of the highest quality and provided participants with the best possible learning experience.
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